Current Responsibilities
Cindy’s primary responsibilities are focused on leading her NYC team, hosting Friday night spaces with students, ministry partner development, and recruiting more people to join the New York City Impact Team.
Cindy knows what it feels like being the new person in a new city with a desire to connect with others for friendship. Throughout her life’s journey, Cindy has lived in five US cities and in the Liguria region of Italy. In one of her adopted hometowns, she was employed by an institution of higher education where she worked with all stakeholders of the college including students. Because of this, God has drawn her heart to want to help advance IFI’s mission in creating contexts that will befriend and extend hospitality to the sojourner.
For the past 10 years, she’s held various ministry positions which have included fundraising, teaching, mobilizing volunteers, working directly with churches and motivating members of her church to perform acts of mercy.
Cindy is passionate about telling others about the unending mercy and transforming grace God extends toward all who repent and draw near to Him. She is filled with hope and looking forward to experiencing what God has planned through IFI.
Support Needs
Cindy is in the process of securing monthly partners