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ISEED Discipleship Program

The ISEED Discipleship Program is a 10-12 month hands-on discipleship experience that prepares Christian international students to share God’s love globally.

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International Students as Equipped and Empowered Disciples

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Recent Updates from our Interns

Culture Shock – Stepping out from comfort zone

By |February 10th, 2022|

   The last Sunday (February 6th, 2022) turned 1 year I left Brazil. Reflecting here, this year was a year of change. We change country, culture, language, church, etc.! And stepping out of your comfort zone is painful. And in this scenario of how to act in the face of a new situation, I bring a reflection that I made.    The book of Exodus recounts how God sent plagues to free his people (the [...]

Relying in God`s will

By |February 3rd, 2022|

As we started a new year, with new resolutions, going back to the beginning of the bible was not a coincidence. I felt that a new season for my faith was beginning. That was even more evident when God led me to the book of Genesis in several moments: At the beginning of the month our bible discussion group started a new topic based on the first 3 chapters of the bible: the creation and [...]

The volunteer Training: Individual Person and Culture

By |January 26th, 2022|

The volunteer Training: Individual Person and Culture     This day seemed like a day dedicated to acknowledging the differences of God’s children. I step into a hall. Phil Foell- a staff at IFI teaching of Spiritual Conversations with Students: Art of Evangelism that to my understanding also covered aspects of the Great Commission and obedience. He then pours into a topic about cultural values but moves on to remind the mainly American audience about [...]

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Past Employers and Hosts

“I knew we were going to be friends. I knew this was going to be impactful. I didn’t know at the time how impactful it was going to be for me. And it truly was.”

Stephanie, Host (Columbus OH)

“I am really impressed with the IFI program. I am so open to the Lord’s leading to working with additional international students.”

Jeffery, Employer (Dignity Recovery Services, LLC)

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