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ISEED Discipleship Program

The ISEED Discipleship Program is a 10-12 month hands-on discipleship experience that prepares Christian international students to share God’s love globally.

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International Students as Equipped and Empowered Disciples

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Students as
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 Hear what Interns are Saying

Recent Updates from our Interns

Being with God always

By |March 1st, 2022|

This past month my schedule was very busy with a lot of meetings, presentations, travels, research, study, reports. I started this month with a heavy and concerned heart for the challenges ahead. I lost my sleep several nights thinking about things I had to do. But the good news, here I am, after all those challenges, with a grateful heart for all that God has done for me! As simple is it seems to be, [...]

The cross was not in “vain”

By |February 28th, 2022|

I have been reflected on the cross(Jesus dying on the cross for our sins). And what that meant to me as I am going through the dessert. A season I could describe my spiritual life journey right now. It's quite easy to look back at my life before Christ and blame myself on the sins I don't think Jesus died on the cross for. And that thought makes me think that I have not fully [...]

We are the righteousness of God

By |February 28th, 2022|

We started to read the book The Rest of the Gospel in our ISEED training, and the verse 2 Corinthians 5:21 called my attention. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. There is a spiritual power that separates us from God, who is Holy and Perfect. That power is called sin. Jesus (who was without sin) became sin. He [...]

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Past Employers and Hosts

“I knew we were going to be friends. I knew this was going to be impactful. I didn’t know at the time how impactful it was going to be for me. And it truly was.”

Stephanie, Host (Columbus OH)

“I am really impressed with the IFI program. I am so open to the Lord’s leading to working with additional international students.”

Jeffery, Employer (Dignity Recovery Services, LLC)

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