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ISEED Discipleship Program

The ISEED Discipleship Program is a 10-12 month hands-on discipleship experience that prepares Christian international students to share God’s love globally.

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International Students as Equipped and Empowered Disciples

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Students as
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 Hear what Interns are Saying

Recent Updates from our Interns

He is strong when I am weak

By |February 4th, 2021|

I have been feeling really satisfied in the Lord recently and enjoying Him day to day. One year ago, I would never think that my relationship with Him can be deepened and strengthened like this. During this past year, the Lord brought many trials in my life and allowed me went through a period of time that I felt so dry and left out in His kingdom. I was questioning how I am going on [...]

The Lord is faithful!!! Simply trusting in my savior Jesus…

By |February 4th, 2021|

Praise the Lord who is full of love and mercy and is faithful to all that we have committed to Him! I praise the Lord that in His great mercy he exposed my weakness and showed me that I cannot do anything for Him by my own strength. Even if we want to do good or be perfect or just simply be obedient to Him. We can sometimes give ourselves so much pressure but all [...]

Biggest Life Lesson

By |January 31st, 2021|

Today I would like to share one of the biggest lesson I have learned in life. The lesson is never take anything for granted. The more I continue to live, the more I come to realize that I've been living my life taking things for granted and when you come to realize that is when is too late and you cannot do anything about it. As we live may we learn to appreciate every thing [...]

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Past Employers and Hosts

“I knew we were going to be friends. I knew this was going to be impactful. I didn’t know at the time how impactful it was going to be for me. And it truly was.”

Stephanie, Host (Columbus OH)

“I am really impressed with the IFI program. I am so open to the Lord’s leading to working with additional international students.”

Jeffery, Employer (Dignity Recovery Services, LLC)

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