This post is from Yuemin:

Because Thanksgiving is coming up this Thursday, I would like to say thank you to those of people and events.
I would like to thank you for IFI organization. I came to Christ in January 2013 through attending IFI in Cincinnati. Thanks to Julie Rhine’s huge assist for my spiritual growth. I found out about the IFI internship program in Columbus, applied and was accepted.  Thanks to Estera for her thorough planning for ISEED program, which is intensive discipleship program. her devotion to the program make it more structured and meaningful.
I would like to thanks Linworth Baptist Church. I started attending Linworth in August, and getting more involved in the local church ministry. I thank God for this opportunity to develop both my professional and spiritual growth. With this gift, I work as a financial intern at IFI and also involved as an ISEED trainee.I am also thankful that Linworth has chosen to sponsor me for this program through a gift from one of their members, Russ Paine, who is now with the Lord.
I want to thank Gene & Phyllis Greene for their hospitality in allowing me to become a part of their family and treat me as one of their children. Besides my parents, nobody treat me that well.
Without those helps, the dream of being a qualified accountant and doing ministry among Chinese students will delay and being flawed. Your generosity also encourage me, if I would be financially affluent in the future, I would also support him or her for pursuing him or her dream and their spiritually growth.