“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

God speaks to us in different but creative ways. One of our ISEED course teachers used to say that if my heart is open and sensitive to His voice, I would discover the unique way that He speaks to me. I was so glad that God once used a special way to speak to me, by using a friend’s text message! Here is my story.

Starting from about a month ago, my anxiety increased tremendously as I was considering about my next step after ISEED program. Because of this, I realized that I became easily distracted when spending time with friends, host family, and even working. I was afraid that I would lose all the things that had been bringing me joy once I finished this program.

One day, I received a text message from my friend who sent her children to study Chinese from me. In the text message, she expressed appreciation to me and told me that her kids would pick up the flashcards I made for them to practice Chinese while she and her husband were watching TV. The kids did this totally on their own and their attitude of learning Chinese had been changed since I became their teacher, which surprised her. I was so joyful when I heard this good news. The kids really liked what I taught and made for them! All those nights that I spent on designing lesson plans, organizing materials, and hand-making prizes for them now proved not in vain. It’s the best thing to see students having a good relationship with me and therefore enjoying learning with me!

Jesus calls us to love, and to “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well ” (Matthew 6:33). I was so much relieved when I think of this verse, knowing that God will reward me for every effort I put into building His kingdom, by carrying out love to people, even to the little children.

Every little thing that I do unto people, I do unto Jesus. I am now confident that if I serve people the way I want to serve God, God surely has good things stored for me as return. I become less worried about tomorrow, but alone want to focus on what God has entrusted me with today. God will unfold His plan as I walk obediently with Him!