One of ISEED classes in June is about “transition” as the program draws near to end. Our instructor gave us a homework, to spend a day without using electronics in order to to challenge our self-discipline.

In the beginning, I was anxious and reluctant to do this homework because I realize I couldn’t depend on my cell-phone or laptop for the things I have been used to, such as connecting with friends, watching church service, reading Bible, and listening to music.

The Holy Spirit speaks to me and says that to be content in any and every situation, and that through Him who gives me strength, I can do all things. (Philipians 4:12) Decided to choose contentment and joy, I wrote a to-do-list for my 12 hours without technology, wanting to have a productive day.

I then started out my day with reading paper Bible instead of phone Bible. Without distractions of other information, I found myself sinking deep into the story quickly and more easily than using a Bible app. Gradually, the story came alive when I carefully image the story while reading the scriptures line by line: the characters, the scenes, the voices and tone, their feelings and emotions… A fun mental adventure!

Next, I went on a prayer walk in the neighborhood conversing with God. I prayed to Him, just as a child talking to dad, just as He is physically walking by my side. I speak, and He listens. There is no music coming to my ears, but melody of worship flowing out in my mind.

The rest of my time I spent on packing my room for moving went by productively, because I. wouldn’t need to check my phone frequently! As I pack, the phrase of “go move on” came and dwell in mind, leading me to pack joyfully for my next adventure of full time ministry in the near future!

It was hard in the beginning but once I started it, I enjoyed it. Would I do it again? Yes!