“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Cor 9:15)

As I was preparing my ISEED presentation in May, I found myself in awe of what God has accomplished in me in these precious and incredible 10 months. Before I came to this program, my goal was to grow my faith in God so that one day I can stand firm in this tempting world, rather than being tossed back and forth as the waves of the ocean.  “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Cor 9:15) I summarized my ISEED experience in 10 things below and hope this to be an encouragement to you!

10 things I learnt from ISEED program:

  1. God alone is the best doctor and His words are the most powerful and effective medicine to heal the wounds.
  2. A significant mark of a true disciple of Jesus is how much they are hated by the world.
  3. Being an ACTIVE listener is the first and foremost step to friendship or any kind of relationship.
  4. Give the best of my time, energy and resources to God because He OWNS all of it and REWARDS beyond measure.
  5. There is no sin big enough that God cannot forgive because if so, the death of Jesus would be in vain
  6. Prayer’s importance is like water to fish, and air to man. God likes quality time spent with His children.
  7. Manage living with little first, and then you’ll know how to live with plenty. Be a spiritual billionaire.
  8. Perspectives are powerful. It has the power to build you up or tear you down in a difficult circumstance. It brings positive or negative energy to myself and others around me.
  9. According to the truth that God is love, then surrender to God means surrender to love. To live out my faith, do what is true, honorable, right and pure, lovely and admirable.
  10. Keep encouraging new brothers and sisters in God’s family, when I do that, God means for me to be encouraged, too.