
Nov 17, 2020
International Students Day of Prayer
1. Join an online / in-person prayer meeting
2. Sign up below for a 15-minute slot to pray for international students.
Let’s work together to fill every 15-minute slot with at least one person, so we have people praying for the entire 24 hours! Download our media kit
A red circle shows how many people are signed up to pray during that time slot. If there is no red circle, then the time slot needs to be filled. Please feel free to sign up for more than 1 time slot. Multiple people may sign up for the same time.
What is the International Students Day of Prayer?
The International Students Day of Prayer is a 24-hour concert of prayer on behalf of international students. It coincides with the annual celebration of International Education Week in the US, as well as International Students’ Day.
As a further support of these celebrations, IFI mobilizes volunteers everywhere who are extending hospitality and friendship to international students to focus one full day on praying for these students.