2025: Columbus, OH

photo scavenger hunt:
a game, typically played in an extensive outdoor area, in which participants take photos to earn points
Dates & Deadlines
Package Options
Each interested location must choose their desired package before promoting to students/volunteers.
1. Number of nights
Day Trip

1 Night

2 Nights

3 Nights

2. Main Contact
The person coordinating your group. They will receive notifications about sign ups, promotion suggestions, and schedule updates. Ideally they will be attending the event. If so, they will be the main contact regarding housing, if needed.
3. Extra excursions
We highly encourage you to decide on all excursions that involve payment prior to sharing the sign up with participants. You don’t have to coordinate these with us, but we may be able to get you a discount.
Consider going to the Ohio State Fair while you’re in town:
