John JamesModeling how to serve others helped an Indian student return home ready to love, share, and serve.

Although raised in a Christian home in India, John first heard the good news while studying abroad in England. When he transferred to the U.S. two years later, it was clear God had plans to deepen his trust before returning home.

John joined an IFI Bible discussion and met a volunteer who started to mentor him. Their friendship, and John’s relationship with Jesus, grew.

Over the next two years, John also connected with a Bible-based church and Cru, through which he joined service trips and learned to help addicts and homeless people.

“John went home, trusting the Lord to show him the next step in his life,” his mentor recalls.

“I give credit and honor to IFI for developing a servant heart in me that I’m now using to reach out to my fellow Indians.”

John writes, “Now I’m volunteering with Cru in Mumbai, my home city, shadowing American and Indian staff in colleges. My main “job” is sharing my trust in Jesus. Students’ spiritual emptiness and our government’s anti-follower of Jesus and anti-Muslim policies make sharing difficult.”

“Through IFI, God helped me discover the beauty of loving all kinds of people and sharing Jesus— now with Indians. IFI volunteers showed me a heart to show the love of Jesus to the world.”