From Isolation to Inspiration

From Isolation to Inspiration

Johnny left his home in Asia in 2022 to pursue his master’s in electrical engineering at the University of Dayton. It was his first time flying by himself and his first time going to the US; he was nervous but eager. 

Once he landed, he took an Uber to the university. While driving along the highways and passing by the downtown area, reality slowly kicked in– this was nothing like Johnny had imagined. 

Days, weeks, and months passed, yet the adjustment still proved difficult for Johnny. He had trouble getting used to the lack of public transportation and the food served on campus. But the greatest trouble of all was the loneliness he felt. 

“I was stressed, barely eating, and lonely,” Johnny said. “I struggled with comparison and I felt like I had no control over my life.”

As Johnny searched for a way to ease his loneliness, he remembered an IFI welcome party he had attended at the start of the school year, plus meeting Esther Chan, IFI Dayton leader, at the university’s club fair. 

“I knew of IFI but didn’t really know what they offered,” Johnny explained. “I didn’t want to be lonely anymore, so I finally started going to their events. Esther connected me with other internationals and gave me community.”

Johnny began attending more and more IFI gatherings, gradually fostering a sense of belonging. But there was still something missing; he continued to struggle with loneliness and grappled with his life’s purpose. His mind drowned with questions and he was desperate for answers. It was only by joining an IFI Bible discussion group and attending church that Johnny realized what he’d been searching for. 

“I had heard about Jesus back home but only thought he was some kind of spirit,” Johnny admitted. “I was seeing how others believed and spoke about God’s deep love, and I thought, ‘If God really loves them that much, why doesn’t He come to me?’ That’s when I knew I wanted Him in my heart, too.”

That simple, yet powerful thought moved Johnny to make a decision to follow Jesus, and in the summer of 2024, he made a public declaration through baptism. 

Johnny’s journey didn’t stop there. Last winter, Esther invited him to the Vision Conference, an experience that challenged him to take a step further in his faith and leadership. 

“I was inspired and learned what it truly means to give God everything,” Johnny said. “So often I skip God and try doing things myself, but I’m learning to rely on Him.”

The speakers at the conference encouraged Johnny to seek God’s will for his life, and he is still praying about what comes after graduation. He’s even considering IFI’s ISEED program, hoping to grow in his faith while serving others. 

“No matter where I am, I believe God will stay with me and show me the path,” Johnny said. “I’m still learning, but I know He is patient with me.”

*student photo changed to protect privacy

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