
How often do I take things for granted? How often do I see the special and think of them as the usual? I thought about this when I saw how a friend of mine got excited about the date 02/02/2020. He was saying that the last time this happened was 01/01/1010. Putting aside the accuracy of these dates’ similarities, what I got from it is that there are things that many see as special while others see them as usual.

There are two instances in the past few days that makes me think of how realizing God’s work in circumstances makes them special when they would have otherwise seemed usual to the uninformed eye. One is when I contacted a friend of mine with whom we have been trying to get together. When we finally did, we talked about all different kind of things including, belief, bible, creation, evolution, and many more that relates to what Dr. Frank Turek was scheduled to talk about on Ohio state campus the following week in his talk “I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist” (You can watch it here on Turek’s YouTube Channel ). I already knew about the talk and was planning to invite my friend to join but I was surprised to see her bring up these topics either from the books she has been reading or just curiosity questions. This made me see that God has a way of making situations and times become non-coincidental. I have no doubt God made her think about these things so that when she comes to hear the talk, she would be touched more.

Image result for i don't have enough faith to be an atheist"

The other instance is the moment when God made me realized that my college degree can be useful for my friends that I am meeting in ministry. At some point I thought that besides critical thinking and creative thinking that architecture taught me for 4 years, there was not much more I was going to use it for in these days. When I bonded with a student over architecture, I stood corrected. We didn’t just talk about it, but it turned out that a research paper I did as my final project had what my friend needs for a project. All this reminded me that with God there is no coincidence, He plans even the smallest details which, discerned, turns the usual into the special.