David* left his home in Central Asia to pursue his PhD in 2023. It was his first time in the US and he was excited to start his program.

However, the newness of it all was overwhelming. David felt deep loneliness, so much so that he was admitted to a hospital.

One week after he was released, David experienced a blessing, disguised as an IFI English Conversation Partner. He met with IFI staff member, Bob Mack, his new English-speaking buddy.

As they spoke one day, the topic of the cross was brought up.

“When I was 13, I had drawn a cross but never understood why,” David said. “I was, after all, an atheist. Then when Bob shared about Jesus dying on the cross, it clicked– it was for this moment and not random. It finally made sense.”

Over time, David found meaning, something to lean on in his times of trouble. He became convinced the story of the cross and resurrection wasn’t a fairytale, after all. He started attending IFI Bible discussion groups to learn more and joined a church for an increased like-minded community.

“Now I have the promise that I can cast all my cares on Him because He cares for me.”

He was so committed to this new way of life that he even decided to get baptized, a form of publicly declaring faith in Jesus.

“Since my transformation, I’ve had a better quality of life,” David stated. “Do I still struggle with loneliness? Yes. But now I have the promise that I can cast all my cares on Him because He cares for me.”


*Student name and photo changed to protect privacy