Yejin Bae

Campus Minister (New York City)

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저는 한국에서 태어나, 선교사 자녀로 필리핀 사역지에서 자랐습니다. 2016년에 대학을 위해 뉴욕에 왔는데, 매 학기 매 순간마다 여호와 이레의 공급하심으로 학업과 신앙 생활을 할 수 있었습니다. 타지에 와서 외로운 생활을 하는 유학생 시절, 같은 처지의 유학생들과 함께 삶을 공유하고 예수님을 만나고 우리의 열정과 삶과 미래를 그의 나라와 뜻에 올려드리기로 헌신하는 캠퍼스 사역에 감사하게도 섬길 수 있었습니다. 감사한 인연들로, 유익한 경험들로 가득했던 4년의 기적같은 학부 생활을 마치고 졸업 이후 영광스러운 사역의 길로 인도해주신 하나님께 감사드립니다. 유학생이었던 제가 유학생 후배들에게 예수님의 사랑을 전하고 나누는 사역을 하게 되어 정말 기대가 됩니다. 뉴욕엔 매해 수많은 유학생들이 각국에서 옵니다. 열방에 복음을 전하는 선교의 비전이 이곳 뉴욕시에서 이뤄질 수 있다는 놀라운 비전을 보게 되었습니다. 다양한 나라와 문화가 밀접하게 모여있는 뉴욕시야말로 정말 최적의 선교지임을 느낍니다. 유학생들에게 예수님의 사랑의 씨앗이 심어지고, 사랑과 도움으로 물을 주어서 맺어지는 친밀한 관계를 통해 제자 훈련이 이뤄지고, 리더들이 세워집니다. 우리를 선하신 일로 인도하시는 위대하신 주님께서 새롭게 시작되는 IFI 뉴욕시 유학생 사역을 통해 뉴욕을 넘어 전세계에, 열방에 복음이 선포되고 예수님의 사랑이 전해지는 놀라운 일들을 행하실 것을 굳게 믿습니다. 기도해주시고 사랑으로 후원 부탁드립니다!

God has blessed and enriched my life as a TCK (Third-Culture Kid). I was born in Seoul, Korea, then moved to the Philippines at the age of 8 when my parents were called to serve and were commissioned to the Philippines. Growing up in another country, I was able to experience and witness God’s constant working hands in changing the lives of His beloved children through ministries. From the jungle tribal villages, uninhabited floating islands to the squatter villages, life in the Philippines shaped me in my personal, cultural, and spiritual growth.

I came to New York City in 2016 for my undergraduate studies at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and graduated in 2020 with a major in Forensic Psychology and a minor in Addiction Studies. As a laboratory student researcher, my research background was neuroscience–perceptions, linguistics, mental health disorders, etc.

Throughout my college years as an international student, I served as a discipleship leader in Cru’s campus ministry called Soon Movement, as well as actively engaged in International Student Association and the Committee for International Students.

I came to hear about IFI through a close friend of mine in her newsletters when she worked at IFI. After my neuroscience lab internship ended, I was praying for my next step, either to seek work opportunities as a lab assistant or pursue graduate studies. Around Christmas time in 2021, I reached out to IFI, wondering if there are ways to serve internationals at IFI New York City during the holidays and winter break. God’s timing is so good–since then, I joined the IFI New York City team as a Campus Minister!

Having been an international student in the U.S. myself, I am excited to see how He would use me to reach out to and serve the internationals in New York City.

From the tribal jungles in the Philippines to the urban jungle of Manhattan, I am still in awe of how our Creator God so carefully weaves and masterfully orchestrates the lives of His people. I believe God has great things for international students in NYC to start creating waves of sharing his love across nations all according to His good, pleasing and perfect will.

I love anything related to nature–swimming, water sports, biking, hiking, fishing–as well as exploring little hidden gems around the city and adding them to my list of serene spots in New York City.

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